Organizing your staff’s personal details by dealing with all their personal information, next of kin details, ID validation, bank details, checking training and medical records.

All organizations, large or small, need to keep certain records, some because the law requires them, and others for internal purposes to monitor other processes.

For instance, keeping records of hours worked by most workers and pay rates will enable you monitoring legislation compliance.

Personnel records are particularly important when it comes to getting the best out of your employees so you can provide good service to your customers as it is very important that you have this information up-to-date.

Good records can help you:

  • Make decisions based on fact rather than guesswork;
  • Know what staff resources are available to meet production/ service requirements;
  • Know what is happening with absence levels, employee turnover, sickness, accidents, discipline etc., and take appropriate action.

At Veiga Capital UK you don’t need to worry about this, we will help you by keeping the information about your staff such as:

  • Personal details – name, address, emergency contact, date of birth, sex, qualifications, national insurance number, details of any known work relevant disability;
  • Right to work in the UK – Checks to your staff documents to make sure they are the right documents which allows them to work in the country;
  • Employment history with the organization – date employment began, promotions, present job, job title;
  • Details of terms and conditions – pay, hours of work, holiday entitlement, any other benefits. The employment contract will be kept on the staff section to avoid any future query of terms and conditions agreed prior to starting as well as any copies of changes to the contract;
  • Absence details – lateness, sickness, any other authorized or unauthorized absence;
  • Details of training undertaken before joining the organization and within the terms of the employment agreement, whether internal or external;
  • Details of any disciplinary action;
  • Details of termination of employment.

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